Shadgunasindura (3g)

₹ 360.00
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Ayurveda Medicines for General Health

Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings.

Aswagandhadi Lehya: (Only for non-diabetics) Helps to cure sterility and involuntary seminal discharge. Removes seminal debility.
Dosage: 1.5 teaspoons twice a day after the above two medications.

Chandanasava: Useful in urinary disorders, attended by a burning sensation.
Dosage: To be taken with an equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

Chyavanaprasalehya: Enriches body resistance to common cold and fever, and vitalizes the entire system.
Dosage: For Children 3g to 6g. For adults 6g to 12g. It is to be chewed and swallowed both morning and evening followed by a cup of milk.

Draksharishta: (Only for non-diabetics) Improves the muscular system. A good tonic.
Dosage: Twice daily -­ 4 spoons of syrup diluted with an equal amount of water to be taken after food.

Mahakhandadraka Lehya: Can be used safely even by pregnant women. Cures indigestion.
Dosage: 12g. To be used twice daily.

Shadgunasindura(3g): Cures chronic fever, loss of appetite, anaemia, and distaste. Tones up the nervous system and improves strength, blood, and vigour.
Dosage: 1 g = 4 doses.

  • To be used both morning and evening with the juice of bhringaraj leaves and black pepper (stored at night in buttermilk) for chronic fevers, distaste, loss of appetite, and anaemia.

  • With madeephalarasayana for stomach and heart burning.

  • With butter and sugar for meha.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.


  1. Suddha Parada

  2. Suddha Gandhaka


  • This medicine is suitable for individuals of all ages, including pregnant women and children.

  • It effectively addresses chronic fever, loss of appetite, anemia, and distaste.It helps to revitalize the nervous system, enhancing overall strength, blood circulation, and vitality.

Unit of packing: 3 g

Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses. To be used both morning and evening with juice of bhringaraj leaves and black pepper (stored at night in butter milk) for chronic fevers, distaste, loss of appetite and anaemia. With madeephalarasayana for stomach and heart burning. With butter and sugar for meha.

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